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SF book recommendation: Adrian Mihălțianu – “Apusul”

Oct 10, 2018 | Posted by Cristina in Articles

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Adrian Mihălțianu is a Romanian science fiction author and a journalist whose work lies at the intersection of technology, business and their impact over humanity. ?

Back in 2011, Mihălțianu self-published the science fiction novel “Epoca Inocenței” (“The Age of Innocence“) on Amazon. This was the first book in the series “TERRA XXI“, a trilogy about humanity’s near future, with predictions about the upcoming 150 years put into into addictive stories – the kind that you won’t be able to let go until you finish reading. 🙂

Tonight we’ll be attending the launch event of the second book in this SF series, called “Apusul” (“The Sunset”), coming out at Nemira publishing house. The event starts at 7 PM, at Cărturești Carusel, a bookstore located in Bucharest’s old town – the capital of Romania, where we’re based.

With studies in law, passionate about history and futurism, Mihălțianu was among this year’s finalists for A New Shape Prize – a competition organized by The Global Challenges that rewards projects that can minimize and eliminate the most pressing threats to humanity. With prizes totalling $1.8 million, this is the biggest competition of its kind, seeking to stimulate visionary thinking from the brightest minds in the world.

Stay tuned – in a few days we’ll publish an interview with Mihălțianu where we debate a few of the big ideas he covers in his SF work, and we’ll also give away a few copies of his books!

P.S. for our Romanian speaking readers, here are a couple extra links:

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